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The Vital Guide To Hire Great Freelance Developers

The dynamic revolution of online jobs and freelancing has made labor more accessible than a decade ago. Presently, you could easily run your own company from your garage while relying on remote workers to do the things you cannot, maybe. While this is an exciting prospect for employers, there is a downside: you have too many choices and may end up the most unsuitable person for the job. It is very easy to be fooled by a glamorous portfolio into thinking that they have the skill set and personality to blend in with your team.

The process of hiring a freelancer is not very different from the normal employee hiring process. The only difference is that communication is digital and online means compared to face-to-face means. Both processes require an establishment of trust between both parties. You need to trust that the person you hire will do a good job, and they need to trust that you will give them value for their time in the form of growth and monetary payments.

We can divide the process into three parts, pre-hiring, hiring, and integration.


At this stage, you need to define what you need to get done, the time frame for the project, and the budget you have for the project. This information will help you in sending out applications and attracting the right people. Also, establish what you are looking for in a candidate both in terms of technical skillset and human/people skill set. You don’t want an A-level developer who leaves you and the rest of the team feeling like ripping the hair off their heads because of their prima Donna attitude of apathy and complacency.

Once you have fully established once you want, you then advertise for the position you want. You can use in-house recommendations or advertise on other online platforms. Make sure that your ad is absolutely clear and attractive to get the best developers out there. A good way is to ask yourself if you would sign up for a job with an Ad like that; if yes, proceed; if no, change the design. After sending out the advertisements, now you wait for applications to begin streaming in. be ready because sometimes you might have more applicants than you had anticipated.

Hiring Process

Now here is where the real work begins. While Sieving through your applicants, you will automatically disqualify some of them as they do not fit into the criteria you are looking for. Now you remain with the good ones and the best ones. You can shelf the good ones to partner with in future projects and now interview the position’s best ones.

It is best to take your time to assess them and involve the other team members who will be interacting with them. When asking them questions, avoid the type of questions that will be too obvious and not show the true skills. Lean into asking questions such as the newest developments from the official change log in PHP 5.5.x and 5.6.x to know how advanced their skill set is.

Also, look into their previous projects and see how good they were. If there are spaces in their resume, it is best to ask why they exist. This way, you know the type of work they put out. Before conclusively working with them, you can give them a mini project to feel their workflow. Just be sure to let them know that it is a test to avoid confusion. A candidate who refuses to go through any form of testing should be a definite red flag. These tests are structured to help you see if the candidate fits well into your company culture.


Once you have found a fit for the job, it is now time to start working. Ensure that you have given the developer a comprehensive project brief and the necessary resources to start working. An app developer may not necessarily be an app designer. In this case, you have to present the design to them and then have them develop it.

If other team members are working on the development process, too, ensure a great flow of information and ideas. You should well choose your tech stack to decide on what features you will integrate when and where.

Hiring Developers on Demand

Trust is at the heart of any hiring process, and you can only trust that which you know. Devready is a developer’s hiring site that has done the knowing for you by gathering a private and competent team of developers for you to interact with and choose from. Get on to our site today and hire the developer you need to launch your company or business ideas to the great worldwide web.